Haunted Rolling Hills Asylum

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Episode Summary- In East Bethany, New York lies one of the most haunted historical locations in the world- Rolling Hills Asylum. Established in 1827, the building housed the mentally and physically disabled, destitute, orphans, alcoholics, widows, and others deemed to be "unworthy" of aide within their communities. In this episode, we discuss the foundation of New York's State's Poor Houses and Farms, as well as the paranormal occurrences said to happen in the walls of Rolling Hills Asylum. You may want to leave the lights on listeners, we're getting a little spooky! 

Roy Crouse- "The Gentle Giant"

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Image of one of the previous residents of Rolling Hills Asylum- Roy Crouse is said to have been a gentle giant. He was brought to the asylum at the age of 12 by his father- an unknown but prominent New York banker. Roy is said to be sighted by many as a shadow figure still walking the halls. 

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Rolling Hills Asylum has been featured on many paranormal shows and hosts private and public events throughout the year. You can learn more on their website at www.rollinghillsasylum.com! The proceeds from their events goes toward maintaining and restoring this historic building. 

Episode Sources

1601 Poor Law. (n.d.). Retrieved from UK Government: https://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/evolutionofparliament/2015-parliament-in-the-making/get-involved1/2015-banners-exhibition/rachel-gadsden/1601-poor-law-gallery/#:~:text=In%201601%2C%20Elizabeth%20I%27s%20Government,and%20different%20pattern

Before the Poorhouse. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ulster County New York: https://ulstercountyny.gov/poorhouse/background

Conklin, S. L. (n.d.). Genesee County Home/Poorhouse. Retrieved from Genesee County New York: https://www.co.genesee.ny.us/departments/history/county_home.php

Ghost_Encounters. (2015, October 25). Rolling Hills Asylum. Retrieved from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/3q6co1/rolling_hills_asylum/

Gigantism. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cleveland Clinic: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22954-gigantism

History. (n.d.). Retrieved from Rolling Hills Asylum: https://www.rollinghillsasylum.com/about-rha/history

History Marker Rolling HIlls. (n.d.). Retrieved from William G. Pomeroy Foundation: https://www.wgpfoundation.org/historic-markers/rolling-hills/

Indentures and Removal Orders. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ulster County: https://ulstercountyny.gov/poorhouse/documents/indentures

Mark, M. &. (2013, October 23). The Haunting of Rolling Hills Asylum. Retrieved from Weird New Jersey: https://weirdnj.com/stories/rolling-hills-asylum/

NY Ghosts. (n.d.). Rolling Hills Asylum. Retrieved from NYC Ghosts: https://nyghosts.com/rolling-hills-asylum/


Wagner, D. (2005). The poorhouse: America’s forgotten institution. Lanham, MD: Rowman-Littlefield Publishers. Retrieved October 20, 2023 from https://socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/issues/poor-relief-almshouse/